Storage::S3 (Core feature)

You will need an Amazon AWS (S3) account. You can get one here.

store_with S3 do |s3|
  # AWS Credentials
  s3.access_key_id     = "my_access_key_id"
  s3.secret_access_key = "my_secret_access_key"
  # Or, to use a IAM Profile:
  # s3.use_iam_profile = true

  s3.region             = 'us-east-1'
  s3.bucket             = 'bucket-name'
  s3.path               = 'path/to/backups'

AWS Regions

Multipart Uploading

Amazon’s Multipart Uploading will be used to upload each of your final package files which are larger than the default chunk_size of 5 MiB. Each package file less than or equal to the chunk_size will be uploaded using a single request. This may be changed using:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  # Minimum allowed setting is 5.
  s3.chunk_size = 10 # MiB

Each file uploaded using Multipart Uploading can consist of up to 10,000 chunks. If the file being uploaded is too large to be divided into 10,000 chunks at the configured chunk_size, the chunk_size will be automatically adjusted and a warning will be logged. To enforce your desired chunk_size, you should use the Splitter.

For example, with the default chunk_size of 5 MiB, the maximum file size would be 5 MiB * 10,000 (52,428,800,000 - or ~48.5 GiB). If your final backup package might be larger than this, you should configure the Splitter to split_into_chunks_of 50_000 (chunk_size x 10,000).

The maximum chunk_size is 5120 (5 GiB), but it’s best to keep this small. First, this is the amount of data that will be retransmitted should a failure occur. Second, each chunk_size of data must be read into memory when uploading the chunk.

Error Handling

Each request involved in transmitting your package files will be retried if an error occurs. By default, each failed request will be retried 10 times, pausing 30 seconds before each retry. These defaults may be changed using:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.max_retries = 10
  s3.retry_waitsec = 30

If the request being retried was a failed request to upload a chunk_size portion of the file being uploaded, only that chunk_size portion will be re-transmitted. For files less than chunk_size in size, the whole file upload will be attempted again. For this reason, it’s best not to set chunk_size too high.

When an error occurs that causes Backup to retry the request, the error will be logged. Note that these messages will be logged as informational messages, so they will not generate warnings.

Data Integrity

All data is uploaded along with a MD5 checksum which AWS uses to verify the data received. If the data uploaded fails this integrity check, the error will be handled as stated above and the data will be retransmitted.

Server-Side Encryption

You may configure your AWS S3 stored files to use Server-Side Encryption by adding the following:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.encryption = :aes256

Storage types

Reduced Redundancy Storage

You may configure your AWS S3 stored files to use Reduced Redundancy Storage by adding the following:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.storage_class = :reduced_redundancy

Infrequent Access Storage

You may configure your AWS S3 stored files to use Infrequent Access Storage by adding the following:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.storage_class = :standard_ia

Amazon Glacier

Backup does not have direct Amazon Glacier support. However, using AWS Object Lifecycle Management, you can setup rules to transition objects to Glacier. A major benefit of this is that these these backups can be restored using the S3 console.

Cycling Backups

Backup’s Cycler may be used to keep a specified number of backups in storage. After each backup is performed, it will remove older backup package files based on the keep setting.

However, you may want to consider using AWS Object Lifecycle Management to automatically remove your backups after a specified period of time. This may also be used in conjunction with Amazon Glacier, so you could transition backups to Glacier after a period of time, then have them automatically removed at a later date.

Fog Options

If you need to pass additional options for fog, you can specify those using fog_options.

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.fog_options = {
    :path_style => true,
    :connection_options => { :nonblock => false } # these are Excon options

These options will be merged into those used to establish the connection via fog.
e.g.{ :provider => 'AWS'}.merge(fog_options))

S3-Compatible APIs

Fog allows Backup to be used with additional S3-interoperable object storage APIs like DigitalOcean’s Spaces or Minio through additional configuration of fog_options. Depending on the service’s level of compatibility, it is generally enough to define the endpoint. For example, the following configuration can be used to back up to Spaces:

store_with S3 do |s3|
  s3.access_key_id     = "my_access_key_id"
  s3.secret_access_key = "my_secret_access_key"
  s3.region            = "nyc3"
  s3.bucket            = "bucket-name"
  s3.path              = "path/to/backups"
  s3.fog_options       = {
    endpoint: "",
    aws_signature_version: 2

China region

Backup relies on fog for AWS S3 support. Fog does not support the China region directly.

A workaround is the following config, as seen in issue #791.

store_with S3 do |s3|
  # ... your config

  s3.region = "cn-north-1"
  s3.fog_options = { endpoint: "" }